The Best Place For Advice On Career Issues

A person stands with the back to the camera, instructing a group of professionals.

For most of us, work takes up about half our waking hours, which is way too much time to be unhappy. So, if you are frustrated by your boss, aggravated by your colleagues, perplexed by your projects, or stuck in a dead-end career, we want to help.

Marie has more than 25 years of experience in coaching, human resources, and management. She writes the syndicated column “Your Office Coach,” which appears in more than 70 newspapers nationwide, has authored two books, and serves as a workplace expert for the National Institute of Business Management.

On this site, you can use our free library of career-related advice, get personalized advice from Marie by submitting your questions, or schedule a personal phone coaching appointment.  We also offer corporate and small business services.

Career & Office Advice Articles

Years of experience in Career Coaching

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    Office politics are an unavoidable fact of life in every workplace. To accomplish your personal and business goals, you must learn to successfully play the political game in your organization.

    Photo of a smiling man.

    Minnesota, United States

    I recently attended your webinar on “Managing & Motivating the Seven Most Challenging Employees”. I have attended many presentations on performance management, and yours was definitely the best. Your website is a wonderful resource, and I plan to visit it regularly.

    Photo of smiling woman on phone.

    United Kingdom

    Your suggestions for handling a very aggressive colleague were spot on, as always. I was able to discuss my concerns calmly and stay focused on the business issues. In the past, she has been able to throw me off track, but not this time. Thanks for the help.