This quiz provides a general idea of how you prefer to lead meetings. Two different styles are described at the end of the quiz.

For each item, distribute 3 points between choices (A) and (B). Use whole numbers, not 1.5.

Example: If you feel that (A) is almost always true of you, then give 3 points to (A) and none to (B). If (A) is often true, but (B) is also sometimes true, then give 2 points to (A) and 1 point to (B).

Points for A


“A” Items

  1. I start meetings on time.
  2. At the beginning of a meeting, I quickly get to the most important agenda items.
  3. I plan the agenda before the meeting and stick to it.
  4. I keep the amount of discussion under control during the meeting.
  5. I clearly define each issue to be discussed.
  6. When people get off the subject, I quickly bring the discussion back to the agenda.
  7. I assume that people who are quiet do not wish to participate.
  8. I try to keep conflicts to a minimum during meetings.
  9. I like for meetings to be focused and businesslike.
  10. I encourage the group to reach a decision even if some members disagree.

Total Points for A: _______

Points for B


“B” Items

  1. I start meetings once everyone has arrived.
  2. At the beginning of a meeting, I give people time to get acquainted or chat about recent events.
  3. I let the agenda develop during the meeting based on people’s needs and concerns.
  4. I allow people the time they need to freely share thoughts and ideas.
  5. I ask group members to elaborate on issues as they arise.
  6. I let the discussion go where people feel they need to take it.
  7. I encourage people who are quiet to join the discussion.
  8. I prefer free expression of disagreements and differences.
  9. I like for people to joke and share humorous stories.
  10. I prefer to postpone action until group members have reached a consensus.

Total Points for B: _______

Your total scores can range from 0 to 30. The “A” items are more typical of meeting leaders who focus on tasks, while the “B” items are more typical of meeting leaders who focus on members.

If you have a high score (20-30) in one category, then you may be likely to use that style most of the time. A moderate score (10-20) in both categories may mean that you tend to be task-oriented in some situations and member-oriented in others.

Strengths and weaknesses of each meeting leading style are summarized below. In general, Task-focused Leaders concentrate on the work to be done, while Member-focused Leaders pay attention to people in the group. The most effective meeting leaders balance the focus on tasks and members, shifting their style as needed.



Clearly define the goals of the meeting.

Provide a specific agenda for discussion.

Make efficient use of time.

Keep the group focused on the topic.

Prevent conflicts from getting out of hand.

Reach decisions without undue delay.

Member-Focused Leaders

Create a sense of rapport in the group.

Allow members to get to know each other.

Insure that current concerns are addressed.

Encourage expression of new ideas.

Try to get input from everyone.

Promote consensus in the group.



May not create a “team feeling”.

May not learn about members’ concerns.

May cut off discussion before all relevant information has been shared.

May not hear all useful ideas and opinions.

May find after the meeting that some members do not support a decision.

Member-Focused Leaders

May tolerate members arriving late.

May waste time on irrelevant topics or extemsive socializing.

May frustrate members with long, unfocused meetings.

May allow conflicts to get out of hand.

May delay decision-making unnecessarily.

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