Request An Appointment

Career Coaching & Mentoring

In a phone coaching session, Dr. Marie McIntyre will be glad to discuss any workplace concern and help you determine the best course of action. If you would like to send a complete description of your situation, Marie will review it at no charge before your appointment.

Phone coaching sessions typically last 30 or 60 minutes, depending on how much time you would like. Payment is made by credit card through PayPal, and the cost is $49.00 per half hour. If you do not find the session helpful, we will gladly process a refund.

A figurine with a painted face under a magnifying glass.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Strong Career Interest Inventory
  • FIRO-B Interaction Styles Survey
  • CPI Leadership Assessment

Phone coaching clients can receive assessments at no charge after their first session. However, an additional appointment will be required to discuss the results of the assessment.